Daniel Black on Soak Living Room 27 July 2022

Soak Living Room with Ps Daniel Black
Date: 27 July 2022 Wednesdays 7:30pm
Soakability Church Facebook Live
Daniel Black is a well-loved friend and no stranger to Soakability.
From the streets to the church house, Daniel Black’s heartbeat and passion are the love and presence of Jesus. Daniel has traveled the world around with this message of the love of Christ. From the streets of San Francisco to the streets of Beijing, he has committed his life to spreading the Gospel of God’s Great Love. He longs to see people from every ethnicity and background fall in love with Jesus. He has committed himself to reach the untouchables, the unwanted, the outcasts, those society has deemed unworthy, and God has deemed altogether lovely and see God’s love win in their lives. ​
Through the ministry of Love Fest Global, he sets out to become an answer of hope and love to the growing cloud of doubt in this world. Through educational opportunities within schools, churches, and private events along with global acts of social justice amongst the worlds poorest along with taking the opportunities given to spread the message of the Gospel of Jesus’ Great Love across the globe, he is helping to create a world where love always wins.
Daniel is the founding director of Love Fest Global, a not-for-profit compassion organization, and currently is leading their base of operations in Hong Kong, serving the needs of the poor, broken and destitute, while preaching the Gospel of Love.
Don’t miss this powerful episode of Soak Living Room on FB Live on this upcoming Wednesday!
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