Kingdom Trailblazers

A trailblazer is someone who is the first to do something; a pioneer; somebody who’s willing to take risks and go in a path that isn’t already there. They blaze a trail and leave a path for others.

A trailblazer can also be someone who is mission-driven and focused on helping people. When we look at Trailblazers throughout history, they have been people who wanted to push the envelope and make a better world for everybody else.

Believe it or not, God has created us with the capacity and calling to be His trailblazers.  Jesus said  “You are the salt of the earth and light of the world” (Matt 5:13-14) to his disciples and also to the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount. This declaration also applies to us today as we follow Jesus.

Salt is not meant to be kept unused and light is not meant to be hidden unseen. As salt and light, you and I are called to add value and impact the world in powerful and meaningful ways. We are called to be trendsetters and trailblazers of society, world shakers and history-makers of our generation

Join us in this exciting new series on Soak Living Room, as our beloved Soakability pastors discuss about God’s desire to make His children the thought leaders of their field and go-to persons of their industries.

God wants to deposit divine downloads into your spirit  and for you to birth forth new songs, new ideas, new inventions, new businesses, new technologies that the world has yet to hear and yet to see.

Will you be God’s Kingdom Trailblazer?

Kingdom Trailblazers on Soak Living Room
Dates: 7, 14, 21 & 28 April 2021 Wednesday 7:30pm
Soakability Church Facebook Live
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