Kingdom Values

Behind the signs and wonders that we see in the lives and legacy of every revivalist are actually the Kingdom values that they live out and act upon.
These values are the backbone of every church and individual who desire to move in God’s miraculous power. When we embrace these values, we are also carrying God’s heart for humanity.
Kingdom values will always shape our character to steward the power of God within us.
Come join us as we dive into the DNA of Soakability: who we are, what we stand for, the values that shape us and where God is leading us corporately as a church and as a community seeking to ignite revival globally!
Join us for the new sermon series
“Kingdom Values” in our Saturday Soakability Service!
Dates: 6, 13, 20, 27 March Saturday 7:00pm
Soakability Church Service & Facebook Live
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