New Wineskins

New Wineskins

Soakability School of the Supernatural presents:

New Wineskins – The Foundational Truths You Thought You Knew

Date: Thursdays of May and June 2017 8-10pm
Venue: Soakability Room
62 Cecil Street TPI Building #06-00 Singapore 049710

This event is free. Freewill offerings will be collected during the classes.

Please click here for maps, directions and parking recommendations.


About this Class:

Word of God is awesome! It has all the power we will ever need for every situation in our lives (Heb. 4:12). All we have to do is mix it with faith and, praise God, a miracle (Heb. 4:2)!

I know many of you are thinking, It isn’t that easy. I believe the Word and I’m doing everything I know to do, yet things still haven’t worked out. I have experienced that too—personally and with many people I’ve ministered to. So, what’s the problem?Actually, there are many problems, but I think most of them can be summed up by what Jesus said in Mark 7:13:

“Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition.”

What a startling statement! Wrong teachingspecifically religious doctrinesmakes God’s Word of no effect. The most significant revelations I’ve received from the Lord all have to do with renewing my mind from old ways of thinking that I learned in church. As I was freed from the traditions, the simplicity of God’s Word set me free. (Quoted from

Rev Jeff Yuen invites you on a rediscovery journey of God’s foundation truths. Things you believed or you were taught somewhere along the way, but aha, is that really what the Bible meant? You might be quite surprised. We will kill some sacred cows along the way… but we definitely want to remove any misconceptions that may actually stunt your growth of understanding of God’s goodness or your relationship with Him.

Come join us this Thursday! Cheers to having new wineskins to enjoy the REAL goodness of God!


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