Guest Speaker Miranda Nelson 21 March 2015

miranda nelson 21 March


Soakability welcomes special guest speaker Miranda Nelson from Living At His Feet Ministries

Date: 21 March 2015 (Saturday) 8pm

Venue: Soakability Room,
2 Kallang Ave CT Hub #11-11 Singapore 339407

Miranda Nelson is a prophetic revivalist who has a heart for purity and intimacy with God. She moves in a strong prophetic gifting and regularly sees the manifestation of signs, wonders, and miracles in her meetings. Miranda’s heart is to see the people of God equipped to hear the voice of God, move in demonstration of the Kingdom through evangelism, and live a lifestyle of no compromise and purity before the Lord. She has a passion to see a generation rise up in intimacy with the Lord, and walk as worshiping warriors, taking the Kingdom of Heaven with force.


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